Wednesday, December 17, 2014

DreamWeaver Website

       One of the projects that everyone had to do in e-communication over the last week or so was to make a website using the program DreamWeaver. Mr. Olson gave us a PDF file with instruction on how to complete this task, then after a week or so we had completed the website. I learned how to make a website and edit code. Again, it was an individual project but we had the PDF from Mr. Olson.

       Overall, i enjoyed this project a lot actually, in my future i wanna make a website for a company that makes short movies for the internet. If i had had to do this again, i wouldn't change a thing.

House Animation


       During this quarter of e-communication, I was in the animation strand. One of our projects was to create our "dream house" using SketchUp. It had to include realistic measures, an overhang, and the video of the house had to flow well. We did this project individually but we could ask our neighbor for help at anytime we needed it.

       If i were do redo this project another time i would probably put more time on the roof and outside of the house. I would be able to pull it off faster too, because we've been using this software for awhile now. I would definitely get a better grade.

       Overall, I liked this project a lot but i wish i would've put more thought on the house and overall the project as a whole. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

spooky aliens - the movie

     Hello, I made a animation called spooky aliens. It's a horror comedy staring Brad Pit and Denzel Washington. On a serious note, the animation is about a lonely alien, looking for something with his futuristic science device. You know how there is no gravity in deep space? The little fella gets lost in space floating around until he sees a rocket ship fly towards him and picks him up.

    Then the ship lands on earth and he finds out there both aliens, then they meet Lenny, a scary guy. They blow up the planet as well.

    Over all, it's a great romance story.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Keynote Animation

My keynote animation is about spooky aliens and there travels, one of the aliens is searching for something on Saturn when all of a sudden they trip and fly of into space.

While floating off, the other alien comes to the rescue and picks the other one up and they go to earth. When they get to earth they run into this spooky sign as seen above. They end up fleeing just in time before the planet explodes.

When they think there safe... they're not..

While using Keynote, grouping shapes together was really helpful, and i guess having a topic that was easily changeable was cool too.

When we did peer-critiques we had to determine 2 things we liked and something they should improve on. People where saying the story was good and it easily established setting and the characters. The thing i should improve on, they said to make it longer than 30 seconds but yolo right?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mrs Lofquist is cool

The graphic design course we took was fun, Mrs. Lofquist was a great teacher for the course.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Photoshop at ONW

          We started on photoshop last week but today we did a project individually. Photoshop is much different than what we usually use, Illustrator. In photoshop we use layers and can't click on what we want, you have to select the layer first. In illustrator, its easy to make different creations without a background.

          Using photoshop today, I learned that photoshop is hard to use and can be really, really, really, really, really. really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, difficult. But with it you can get rid of extra white space with the magic eraser. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Orthogonal Cube

     In class we did some stuff with orthogonal cubes and e-comm.
E-comm is a class specific for Olathe Northwest High School, its for students who were interested in graphic design and video etc.  

Personal Logos

         In class we learned about color analysis, and we made a personal logo using Illustrator. I chose the color blue because is known as a "cool" color and my mom says i'm pretty cool. I also used the color orange because it reflexes excitement and enthusiasm. The font i picked was Sinhala MN and i picked this because it looks fancy and is a sans font type meaning it does not have the little things on the tips of the letters.

         The circle in my logo means "perfection" and the triangles means stability. I had a different idea when starting this, i was originally going to do a square as the main shape in the logo.

         I had a lot of fun coming up with ideas for this logo project. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Color Analysis

                            Colors have specific meanings when using them in your business logo.

Red, yellow, and blue are primary colors on the color wheel. There is also secondary and tertiary.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Personality Type

      My personality type is ESTJ, It is an acronym for extravert, sensing, thinking, judging. It means the supervisor,

I believe I'm half and half on this. This is sort of me but some of it isn't. It is right on on extravert, but not so much judging.

When working in a team i really think this applies to me, i am usually the supervisor. Usually when I'm parried with people with similar personality types its not so well. Some people don't like me when were in a team cause i kind of boss people around. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

What is Graphic Design?

                  Graphic design can't really be explained, its more of just people and there ideas. (as seen in the picture.) Graphic design is the skill of combining text and picture to create something great. Most graphic designs have emotion in the work. That is what makes this technique so great.